15th Workshop on Advances in Model Based Testing (A-MOST) 2019


8:00-8:50 Registration

8:50-9:00 Welcome

9:00-10:00 Keynote given by Fuyuki Ishikawa

Challenges for testing autonomous driving systems: tackling uncertainty in the open physical world and machine learning

10:00-10:30 Coffee Break

10:30-12:30 Test Case Generation

Invited speaker: Fuyuki Ishikawa

Challenges for testing autonomous driving systems: tackling uncertainty in the open physical world and machine learning

Software systems now directly sense and manipulate the physical word (Cyber-Physical Systems), with smart perception and decision making (Artificial Intelligence, especially Machine Learning). This talk provides overview of challenges in dependability engineering, especially testing, under this trend, with focus on autonomous driving systems. On the physical aspect, we need to handle the open continuous world, modeled with differential equations and quantified goals. On the smart aspect, use of machine learning is introducing unique difficulties due to the black-box and non-testable nature. For both aspects, there are open challenges, mainly due to the intrinsic uncertainty, but also a lot of opportunities where the software testing community can contribute much more.


ishikawa picture Fuyuki Ishikawa is Associate Professor at Information Systems Architecture Science Research Division, and also Deputy Director at GRACE Center, in National Institute of Informatics, Japan. His interests are in software engineering for dependability, including formal methods, testing, and optimization, especially for smart and autonomous systems. His publications can be found in key journals and conferences, such as TSE, TPDS, TEVC, TSC, FM, ISSTA, WWW, and ICSOC. Currently, he is leading research groups on dependability of automotive systems and machine learning-based systems, respectively, in two projects (JST ERATO-MMSD and JST MIRAI-QAML). He is also leading key activities in the Japanese industry for quality assurance of machine learning-based systems.

Home page: http://research.nii.ac.jp/~f-ishikawa/en/